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Job adverts for Heligoland

Irgendwo ins grüne Meer, hat ein Gott mit leichtem Pinsel
Lächelnd, wie von ungefähr, einen Fleck  getupft – die Insel.

James Krüss

The rock and the island, ‘det Hellge Land’, the Holy Land, lie far from the coast in the middle of the high North Sea. Not only the elements of nature, but also world history have left their scars here. But unimpressed by this, the rock forms a monumental piece of nature and creates a timeless slowness and calmness that establish a different rhythm and a very unique and diverse microcosm.

The Hotel Rickmers Insulaner on Heligoland also feels connected to this rhythm and these lasting values.

If you can identify with this ‘Insulaner way of life’ – for our guests as well as for yourself – then we would be delighted to receive your application.

You can find all current job offers on the website – but we also look forward to receiving your speculative application.

Please send your complete application (covering letter, CV, references and details of your salary expectations) – by e-mail in PDF format only – to:

Ms Paola Meyer


Ms Meyer will be happy to answer any questions you may have on +49 (4725) 8141-0.